Did you know that plant resins are some of the most treasured and versatile plant substances on Earth and are:
• Potent and effective remedies used in many ancient medical systems.
• History's most favored botanicals for beauty and cosmetic products for anti-aging and added aroma.
• At the foundations of all aromatic arts: incense, perfumery, aromatherapy.
No matter how you work with plants, incorporating botanical resins can expand your herbal or aromatic crafting into a new level of potency, effectiveness, and fulfillment.
This all-inclusive program teaches you everything you need to know about incorporating resins and gums into your herbal or aromatic practice, along with various methods for crafting them into potent topical and internal medicines, beauty products, and other aromatic delights for enjoyment and wellness.
Through learning about these long-revered substances, you’ll discover a whole new branch of botanical medicine making that can add immense benefit to your life and bring healing and enjoyment to those you love and serve.
This program ties together various herbal and aromatic crafting practices to equip you with endless possibilities on your resin and gums journey. You’ll learn how to tap into and harness the true power of the plant kingdom's most precious gems.
Working with resins can be a tricky and sticky mess...
If you've ever tried crafting with them I'm sure you realized there's an art to it. I've heard so many stories of people feeling discouraged when their efforts end in failure.
Maybe you've wasted time, ingredients, and money having to toss out failed extracts and overly sticky projects because you didn't understand the unique properties of each type of resin you worked with...
...And you didn't know the specific methods needed to process down and make medicine with each group of resin.
You didn't know the age-old secrets to working with difficult ingredients and calculated combinations.
After learning the precise ways of crafting resins into various products, you’ll know how to avoid common mistakes and make effective, successful resin-based preparations.
Meet Your Teacher
Hey There!
I’m Evan Sylliaasen. Back in my early 20's I discovered the power of resins through incense and aromatherapy, then learned how to craft them into other extra-potent medicinal and aromatic preparations. I felt like I unlocked a special key to the natural world of healing by tapping into these powerful, gem-like substances that the ancients revered.
Through my work with my company Higher Mind Incense and my school, The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine, I’ve seen beginning medicine makers encounter the same problems over and over when trying to work with resins. Because there are basics that you must understand about these complex substances that can make working with them a breeze instead of a discouraging struggle.
That’s why I created The Botanical Resins & Gums Course and put everything I have into it. I cover every aspect of working with resins across various aromatic and medicinal practices, leaving you with a complete experience and many avenues to pursue to your heart’s content.
Gain insights into the ancient stories and historical importance of resins, and learn about the composition, terminology, groups, and unique types of resins and how to best work with each in your practice.
Learn the traditional medicinal qualities of resins and their important role in ancient healing practices. Discover their sacred attributes and why they're the #1 universal ritual tool in every spiritual practice and religion.
Learn how to properly process and extract resins, then make them into resin-based salves, balms, ointments, lotions, creams, body butters, chapsticks, massage oils, serums, and other preparations.
Get unique step-by-step instructions for crafting each type of resin into powerful alcohol extracts and internal medicines for chronic and acute health issues and for general health and wellness.
Learn about using resins in their essential oil form for aromatherapeutic benefit, and how to add them in the proper ratios to various topical preparations. Plus, discover important safety guidelines and best practices for their use.
Discover why resins are the oldest foundational botanicals in natural perfumery and learn how to make your own solid, spray-on, and roll-on perfumes. Become skilled at formulating your own amazing smelling creations.
"Few people are aware of the great diversity of resin-producing plants
or the remarkable roles resins play in the lives of plants people."
PLUS, work at your own pace and complete the training stress-free in your own time.
Week 1 - The Foundations of Resins & Gums: Nature's Potent Botanical Treasures
• Lesson 1: Introduction - What Exactly are Resins and Gums?
• Lesson 2: The Histories and Stories of Resins & Gums
• Lesson 3: Navigating Resin Terminology, Composition & Resins Types
• Lesson 4: Navigating The Sustainability of Resins
• Lesson 5: 5 Steps to Sourcing Quality, Ethical & Sustainable Resins
• Lesson 6: 3 Steps for Properly Burning Resins as Incense
Plus, my Sustainable Sourcing Guide, Source List, and Master Resins & Gums Species List
Week 2 - The Medicine & Magic of Resins
• Lesson 1: The Medicine of Resins - Traditional Ways to Use Resins for Healing
• Lesson 2: Walkthrough of 5 Common Resins and their Medicinal Benefits and Uses
• Lesson 3: The Spiritual and Ritual Uses of Resins From Around the World
• Lesson 4: Ways to Nourish Your Human/Plant Connection
• Lesson 5: How to Wild-Harvest and Store Your Own Resins (A Field Guide)
• Lesson 6: 2 Easy Methods for Making Your Own Incense with Resins
Plus, resin plant profiles and recipes for making loose incense.
Week 3 - Oil Extraction & Making Resin-Based Products
• Lesson 1: Resins for Oil Extractions
• Lesson 2: Resin Extractions and Carrier Oils Breakdown
• Lesson 3: The Oil Preparations: A Guide on The Topical Oil-Based Products
• Lesson 4: How to Properly Process and Powder Resins
• Lesson 5: Step-by-Step Process for Making a Resin Infused Oil
• Lesson 6: How to Make a Resin-Based Salve for First-Aid, Pain, Sore Muscles, Cold and Flu Symptoms & More
Plus, resin plant profiles and recipes for every type of topical oil-based preparation.
Week 4 - Alcohol Extraction & Making Internal Medicines
• Lesson 1: Resin Alcohol Extractions & Core Uses
• Lesson 2: The Foundations of Alcohol Extraction
• Lesson 3: The Folk Tincturing Method with Resins
• Lesson 4: How to Make a Resin Tincture Step-by-Step
• Lesson 5: The Double Alcohol Extraction Method
• Lesson 6: Making Delicious Resin-Based Cordials
Plus, more resin plant profiles and recipes for cordials, mouthwashes, and liniments.
Week 5 - Essential Oils, Aromatherapy & Natural Perfumery with Resins
• Lesson 1: Resin Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
• Lesson 2: Essential Oil Types & Extraction Methods
• Lesson 3: The Foundations of Natural Perfumery
• Lesson 4: How to Make The 3 Main Types of Natural Perfume
• Lesson 5: The Method of Fragrance Notes & Perfume Formulation
• Lesson 6: Integration & Next Steps
Plus, recipes for essential oil blends and perfumes.
If you're totally new to working with resins and gums this program will build the
proper foundations that will give you the confidence and competence to master crafting with them.
And if you're already making herbal or aromatic preparations of any kind, great!
You're about to learn how to add a powerful new addition to your medicine making practice and
enhance the potency and effectiveness of your creations.
All of the wisdom, tips and tricks I've gathered over the years is packaged up for you into one priceless program.
That's 13+ years of...
• Getting to know countless resins first-hand, from out in nature to the crafting table, to experiencing their medicine and aromas.
• Finding the best methods and what doesn't work through over a decade of trial and error.
• Formulating products for one of the top natural incense companies.
• Gathering stories of healing and witnessing joy and gratitude through sharing my resin preparations with others.
I've put my heart and soul into this course, and I guarantee
you won't find anything else out there like it.
Want to work with resins, but haven’t been sure where to start?
Like many, you can search online or in books and try to put bits and pieces
together over the years, but never feel like you’ve got the whole picture.
Perhaps you’ve already started adding them to some preparations
but have felt the frustrations that so many others face...
...You’ve spent time and money trying to figure out the right ingredients and
formulations to get the products you want, but know that there’s pieces missing.
Or maybe you’re more advanced but want to branch out into new medicine making practices.
You have a sense that expanding your resin crafting skills could add so much to your practice
but don’t know the depth of its resources or where to begin.
The answer to all of the above lies before you, and I encourage you to
take the next step on your plant path and join The Botanical Resins & Gums Course.
Click below to get started.
Enroll in the program today and you'll have 30 days to decide if the program is right for you. If it's not, simply send me an email and you'll receive a complete refund.
Audrey Gerber
Diana Suarez
Janet Gutierrez
"Evan's teachings came at the perfect time on my healing journey. Whether you're wanting to expand your knowledge of the healing properties of plants, deepen your connection to your heart and intuition, or want to add more tools to your self healing toolbox, this school IS A MUST for an incredibly expansive journey."
LeAnn Rimes, Country Singer, & Soul Blogger
"I’ve worked with herbs as a community kitchen wise woman crafting teas, tinctures, and oxymels for friends and family. This school has so much practical knowledge with the right amount of do it yourself for me to continue on my journey. I highly recommend this school!"
Andrea McCluskey, Maryland
"What I’ve learned through this school has changed the direction of my life entirely. I went from a timid and confidence-lacking herbal dabbler to full-on aromatic medicine maker with Evan’s expert guidance. Never before have I seen so much dedication and care from a teacher. This school will change your life!"
Brian Lambert, Oregon
"The moment I found Evan's teachings, I felt like I finally found what I’d been searching for in the world of plants and traditional aromatherapy. In just a few months Evan’s teachings have expanded my practice more than anything in the 30 years I’ve been immersed in it!"
Dana March, Colorado
"The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine has given me a whole new lens to see the plant kingdom and healing as a whole through. Crafting botanicals for their scents and medicines is an art form that has been demystified through these courses."
Amber Sheridan, Michigan
“I owe my deep gratitude to Evan and his mind and heart-opening teachings. Not only have I ventured into exciting new arenas within the plant kingdom that he has opened to me, but I’ve also made incredible personal transformations alongside my ever-transforming practice with plants. Thank you!”
Ayla Connor, Washington
"What I have newly acquired with botanical resins through this priceless course; such as their many uses, how to safely harvest, filter, and extract them, within the last four weeks is so valuable! I am now able to incorporate the many wonderful benefits of resins into my own handcrafted botanical products, as well as the many other formulas available throughout this Course. I highly recommend this course whether you are a beginner or more advanced in this field."
April Rose Lugo, Wisconsin
"Safety, sustainability, and appropriate use are top tier issues for me. It’s such a vast and complex area that it can easily feel overwhelming. Somehow you’ve made it accessible. I’m so grateful for your guides: sustainable sourcing and usage practice, dilution rates, Materia Medica, etc. They make finding the necessary information uncomplicated. I’ve been a botanicals practitioner for a long time and this course has been a real joy. You have rekindled my passion and my profound love for all our green allies."
Dianne Pearson
"I have enjoyed everything about this course. The knowledge I have gained is awesome: from the history of resins and gums right through to being able to craft some amazing products like balms, tinctures and incense. The format of the course is very well laid out and easy to follow. Evans expertise is amazing and the knowledge I am now walking away with is worth every dollar I have invested. I highly recommend this course.
Raewyn Tetenburg
"I now have reference materials and confidence to pursue crafting with resins and gums and incorporate them into my botanical skin care line. I really appreciate how emphasis was put on sourcing materials sustainably and ethically, and this inspires me to look even deeper into sourcing all my materials in the future."
Maggie Whitesides
When does the program start?
As soon as you enroll you’ll have instant access to the first module. From there, every 7 days a new module will be released to you for a total of 5 modules. Though you can start the course whenever you are able and can work at your own pace.
How long do I have to complete the course?
This is a 5 week course. However, there are no time constraints so you can start, complete, and revisit content in your own time.
How can I use this skill to support myself financially?
There are many ways to support yourself with the art of resin crafting:
Will I be able to communicate with you and other students?
You’ll have excellent student support, and can also reach out to Evan personally if needed. You’ll be able to ask questions and converse inside the course within each module with Evan and other students.
What materials do I need for the course, and how much will it all cost?
This course teaches you how to craft many different resin preparations. You can choose to learn all of them, or just the ones that you're called to most. For all preparations you will need at least 1 kind of resin (5 to 10 ounces). As you begin the course you will find sourcing information for resins in the downloads section.
For all other materials and ingredients, you will discover what you need for each preparation in the course. It is possible to spend as little as $20 for materials and tools for the course while making every preparation taught. You can do so by wild-harvesting your own resins and other ingredients (a skill taught in the course), and getting creative with tool options that you likely already have. Some students who already have resins and other possible materials needed could get away with not spending any additional money. Though most students who want to purchase ingredients and designated tools could spend between $50 and $80 on average.
Will I get a certificate for completing the course?
Yes. Upon course completion of all modules and lessons you will be awarded a certificate of completion.
Do you have a guarantee?
Yes! You have 30 days to decide if the program is really right for you. If it’s not a good fit for you at this time, let us know and you’ll get a full refund.
Are resins sustainable?
Resin crafting can be a 100% sustainable practice. A handful of very popular resins are threatened in the wild and should be avoided. There are many sustainable farms and abundant sources from the wild to discover with my Sustainable Sourcing Roadmap, which you’ll receive in the course.
We're more than happy to help you.
Send your questions to [email protected]