In a world full of face-paced jobs, technology, and busy schedules, anxiety and stress seem to be one of the most common symptoms of a modern life. As someone who’s overcome one of the worst cases of anxiety I’ve ever seen, I’m here to say that if you or someone you know deals with nervous tension, anxiety, or stress, it can be overcome! Once the root causes of anxiety are addressed and reduced, there are certain remedies that can guide you back to comfort, rootedness, and balance.
Through years of working with different healing modalities and deeply searching out ways to overcome anxiety myself, I found that aromatic plants and incense are one of the most effective ways to overcome these feelings. In this video I share with you how you can use incense and aromatics to safely release emotional and mental energies that give rise to the manifestation of anxiety and nervous tension. I also offer my Top 5 all-time favorite incense and aromatic plant remedies for these imbalances.
The mind and heart are the two organs affected most in these scenarios. When we’re stressed, have deadlines, have people depending on us, are nervous in social settings or times of vulnerability, or are simply overloaded with too much to do or think about, it weighs heavy on our emotional and physical heart and nervous system, and overburdens the mind, causing it to spin out of control, loose focus, and create those feelings of ungroundedness and pressure.
Watch this video blog and learn how you or the ones you care about or serve can overcome these imbalances with the help of the plant kingdom. Burning incense or diffusing essential oils can bring the comfort and calm we need, while penetrating deep into our physical, mental, and emotional bodies, all the way down to the spiritual level with their gifts of healing.
Article & Video by Evan Sylliaasen
Evan Sylliaasen is the founder of the Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine and Higher Mind Incense. For the past decade his incense company has been a leader in sustainability and conscious sourcing of aromatic plants. As the head instructor of his online school, he teaches aromatherapists, incense lovers, herbalists, and spiritually-minded folks the traditional art of incense crafting, incense as medicine, and the art of wild-harvesting aromatic plants responsibly.
Evan lives with his family in the foothills of the Olympic Mountains of Washington state. He channels his creative passions through writing, photography, wood working, craftsman building, and music. When he’s not working, he’s out in the garden, forest and fields, walking along rivers, beaches, or in the mountains breathing deeply.
© 2017-2021 The Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine. All Rights Reserved.
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